The CosmosID-HUB team has partnered with Revvity to offer a bundled solution for 16S amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing. NEXTFLEX library preparation kits by Revvity can now be purchased with bundled access to CosmosID-HUB. Simply purchase your kit directly from Revvity, sequence your samples, enter your kit code and a member of our team will reach out to set you up with 60 days access.
– Available as 3 different specifications: V4, V1-V3 & V3-V4
– Robust, fast and easy library prep protocol
– Low input – Only 1 ng of input required
– Options now available with the CosmosID-Hub® solution to simplify analysis
– Multiplex up to 384 libraries
– Automation protocols available for the Sciclone™ NGS and NGSx workstations
To learn more, visit: https://www.revvity.com/gb-en/category/16s-rrna-library-prep-solutions
– Robust, fast and easy library prep protocol
– Wide input range – from 100 pg to 1
– Enzymatic fragmentation with end-repair and A-tailing in one reaction
– Multiplex up to 1,536 libraries
– Efficient: Automated on the Sciclone® and Zephyr® NGS workstations
To learn more, visit: https://www.revvity.com/gb-en/product/nex-rapid-xp-v2-dna-seq-kit-8rxn-nova-5149-21s
By utilizing NGS, entire bacterial communities within a sample can be efficiently analyzed from minimal quantities of DNA, without biases that could potentially be introduced by culturing in other non-NGS methods. The NEXTFLEX 16S rRNA amplicon-seq kits maximize the economy and speed of targeted sequencing by offering exceptional values for labs needing a metagenomics solution:
Save costs on computational infrastructure
Save time and get profiling data within hours
Superior study management through centralized data storage
Create virtual cohorts using your study metadata
Generate basic and advanced comparative analyses and statistics
Scale your team with easy to interpret charts and visualization
No coding experience required
100+ citations utilizing these pipelines
Customers who purchase parts ending in “S” are entitled to 60-day access to the CosmosID-HUB software to analyze their samples, create cohorts and generate comparative analysis figures for export.
To learn more about Revvity Kits, please visit https://www.revvity.com/

Once your sequencing is finished, simply drag and drop your fastq data in the HUB, choose your pipeline, upload your metadata and generate your taxonomic and functional microbiome data in just a few hours.
– Aggregate your data at different levels of taxonomy
– Search and calculate the abundance distribution of specific organisms, genes or pathways of interest
– View your cohorts in fully customizable heatmaps and stacked bar charts
– Observe cohort clustering through PCA and PCoA plots in 2D or 3D
– Calculate Chao1, Simpson or Shannon diversity then test for significance between up to 24 cohorts at a time.
– Generate LEfSe analysis to look for significantly enriched taxa, genes or pathways.
– Correlate microbiome data with any continuous, categorical or reference variable using the MAASLIN statistical framework.
Watch our latest webinar by our Field Application Scientist, Dr. Britton Strickland, on demand! Discover how CosmosID-HUB™ will revolutionize your microbiome data analysis. Register for our on-demand webinar to explore how its user-friendly interface provides rapid access to taxonomic and functional amplicon data analysis.